Pinnacle Soundbridge

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  • #232


    I’ve just find out that my new Pinnacle branded Soundbridge (thought it was only a different logo) doesn’t support daap right out of the box, so it doesn’t see the mt-daapd on my NSLU. Although Pinnacle’s Website said it will, on the box they say that iTunes is only supported through your Firefly-Server. I could live with it if I knew that you’ll come up with a new mt-daap that will work even with Pinnacle branded Soundbridges.

    Is there hope ? 🙁



    There is. Fear not. I guess the cat is out of the bag now, so no reason not to spill the rest.

    mt-daapd will be making a name change to “Firefly Media Server”, and we will start transitioning domains and whatnot in the next couple days. Roku will be sponsoring development, so there will likely be links or sidebar ads to roku, and the config web pages and whatnot will be “professionalized”.

    Other than that, though, it’s pretty much the same deal. I’ll still be hacking on this and dropping gpl code, along with nightlies and whatnot.

    The stuff I did with them on kind of a proof-of-concept basis is now in wide distribution (eek!), so I’ll have to catchup a bit filing off the rough edges, but all that code will get rolled up (today, probably) into mt-daapd, and nightlies going forward will support RSP.

    Don’t sweat, though, I didn’t sell out, and it was important to me that the code remain available so folks (like me!) with a nslu2 or a kuro or whatever can still use it to serve music.

    — Ron


    It is great. As an owner of multiple soundbriges and running nslu2 mt-daap server, hope the Roku support can make the good software even better.

    Also hope the software still maintains under GPL; so, I can modify it to meet my own need.

    KK 🙂


    Don’t sweat, though, I didn’t sell out, and it was important to me that the code remain available so
    folks (like me!) with a nslu2 or a kuro or whatever can still use it to serve music.


    very very good news. :laugh:

    As I said in the Roku forum I’m sure that this will be a winner. Can’t wait to see Firefly for NSLU2 to go live. :rolleyes:



    Carsten Schiers


    just a question, will there be a version with RSP support that runs
    under Linux? I am a bit confused: mt-daapd, firefly, isn’t that the
    some thing?

    Best Regards,


    Yes. The rsp stuff is in svn right now. I hope to drop a nightly tonight that includes rsp support for linux and other arches, as well as nslu2 and an updated win32 build.

    — Ron

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