mt-daapd_0.9-svn-1586_feisty_i386.deb / .m3u files not parsi

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  • #1671

    I have a quick question specific to the Ubuntu 7.0.4 build of svn-1586. Everything seems to work fine, it scans the audio files, serves them up to my Soundbridge and iTunes (on XP) and the web interface works fine too.

    The only issue I’m seeing is that it’s not scanning my (mostly valid) m3u files. (There are a few invalid paths in some of the items and I’ll go back and fix those), but they scanned on an older version of the code (built from scratch on Slackware 10.1).

    Am I missing something obvious (like this build doesn’t support this, etc)? (I have enabled playlist scanning in the config file: process_m3u = 1) and have enabled debug mode (see output below).

    mt-daapd.log output
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Favorites.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Chillout.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Movies.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/eMusic.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Country.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/80s.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/TV.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Programing.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Hip-Hop.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/30th Birthday.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Lindy.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/London.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Christian/ChrRap.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Christian/ChrRock.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Christian/ChrPop.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Christian/ChrWorship.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Electronic.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Alternative.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/Women.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): About to scan /mnt/media/Playlists/90s.m3u
    2007-08-31 10:25:55 (b7c8db30): Finished playlist loop

    Also, sorry if I missed the answer in another post … tried searching, but didn’t see anything obvious.


    Forgot to mention my system statistics:

    Ubuntu 7.0.4 (Feisty) running on VMware Server 1.0.3


    @uthanda wrote:

    Forgot to mention my system statistics:

    Ubuntu 7.0.4 (Feisty) running on VMware Server 1.0.3

    At some point, the config value moved to scanning/process_m3u. It should have migrated your existing config, but it appears not to have.

    I’ll check the fixup code in the config parser, but you should be able to fix it yourself by moving process_m3u to the scanning section.

    You’ll also probably want to set “process_playlists” to 1 also.

    — Ron


    Made the change you described, restarted and did a quick scan from the web console and it found my playlists. Thanks for the help!

    BTW, checked the mt-daapd.conf.templ file in the source for -1586 and it appears to have the same issue I did. There’s no [scanning] block.


    @uthanda wrote:

    Made the change you described, restarted and did a quick scan from the web console and it found my playlists. Thanks for the help!

    BTW, checked the mt-daapd.conf.templ file in the source for -1586 and it appears to have the same issue I did. There’s no [scanning] block.

    Ah, good catch. Fixed locally, will commit to svn when the current nightly finishes building.

    — Ron

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