Reply To: Soundbrige does not connect to firefly Media Server


Hi rpedde,

I have found what was the problem. The DSL Router from Netgear is fine,
so he get copy to the list which supports the Soundbridge and FireFly.

I deactivate form Kaspersky Internet Security under Settings – > Protection -> Anti Hacker -> Check box of at “activate Firewall”. Start my Soundbridge and I got the PlayList from my Fire Fly Server.
After i have select an Playlist and press play, tha I switch my Kaspersky firewall to on and it works fine now..

Interesting. Seems to be that the Soundbridge send a “helo or echo” to a closed port to the firefly. I will try to find out which port so that I have my firewall always on (my suggestions IGMP Ports must be open).

Currently open: Upnp Ports (UDP 1900 and TCP2869); FireFly Server UDP and TCP at Port 9999; Bonjour Port TCP 5353 and ICMP (ICMP Type 0 (Echo Reply) – ICMP Type 8 (Echo) – ICMP Type 11 (Time Exceeded).

Now its perfect 🙂 Big smiley from me