Reply To: DebianSlug Arm package


Hi Ron,

now I added the full path into, but it still does not work. It’s a little bit better now, because the SB doesn’t say, that it can’t play the song at once. Instead it says “preparing to play” for 7 seconds and then it says, that it can’t play the song.

This is the process tress:

  263 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/sbin/mt-daapd start
264 ? S 0:08 /usr/local/sbin/mt-daapd start
303 ? S 0:00 | _ /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/ /mnt/hda/share/musik/niagara/la_verite/aux_coeurs_ble
307 ? R 1:00 | _ /usr/local/bin/oggdec --quiet -o - /mnt/hda/share/musik/niagara/la_verite/aux_coeurs_ble
308 ? S 0:00 | _ /usr/local/bin/wavstreamer -o 0 -l 251.000

So mt-daapd seems to try it at least. Is there supposed to be some STDOUT when calling manually? Because there’s no output at all. It also doesn’t return to the shell, it just seems to do nothing.

Here’s what strace tells me about these processes.
303 –

$ strace -p 303
Process 303 attached - interrupt to quit
Process 303 detached

307 – oggdec
$ strace -p 307
Process 307 attached – interrupt to quit
Process 307 detached[/CODE]
308 – wavstreamer

$ strace -p 308
Process 308 attached - interrupt to quit
Process 308 detached

So actually oggdec is doing nothing, but eats all my cpu power.

edit: without the –quiet parameter, oggdec tells me the following line a million times:

Warning: hole in data

edit2: this means, that ov_read gives a bad return code. ov_read is defined in tremor’s ivorbisfile.h/vorbisfile.c; maybe my tremor package is buggy – this is the version string in vorbisfile.c:

$Id: vorbisfile.c,v 1.6 2003/03/30 23:40:56