Reply To: Radio Playlist


Can someone please explain this step by step as it wont work. (yes I followed the guide one the wiki)

I’m on Ubuntu Dapper with Firefly/svn-1463. (Installed from deb)

I’ve created the .url with the following: (di_fm-chillout.url)

96, - Chillout,

and I’ve created the .m3u (di_fm-chillout.m3u, same folder)

#EXTINF:0, - Chillout

On the client (Banshee/Rhythmbox) I get the errormessage: “Play Error. Could not open the resource for reading.”

The server spits out:

2006-12-21 02:17:37 (b6cd2bb0): Executing: select * from songs where id=2495
2006-12-21 02:17:37 (b6cd2bb0): testing transcode on null codec?
2006-12-21 02:17:37 (b6cd2bb0): Thread 115: Entering ws_returnerror (500: Can't stream radio station)

I’ve verified the radiostation in xmms so it works.

I have the following in my /etc/mt-daapd.conf:
extensions = .mp3,.m4a,.m4p,.ogg,.url,.flac,.m3u
process_m3u = 1

If I remove m3u from “extensions” the playlists are empty.

I also have a smart playlist with: path includes “URL” but get the same error message there as well.

On the other hand, if I try with: path includes “.m3u” it’s empty.

Am I missing something?