Reply To: Error in iTunes XML Parsing


It is a bit weird. Now I do not get any playlists out of the iTunes XML file.

Starting with a clean database and searching a level 9 log file for “playlist”, I stepped over the following:

2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/.DS_Store
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Skipping playlist /home/itunes/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml (process_m3u)
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/:2eDS_Store
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/.AppleDouble
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Skipping appledouble folder
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/._iTunes Music Library.xml
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Found /home/itunes/iTunes/._iTunes Library
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Ending song scan
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Executing: commit transaction
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Executing: pragma synchronous=normal
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:12 (b7d976c0): Executing: create index idx_path on songs(path,idx)
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: delete from config where term=’rescan’
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: pragma synchronous = off
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: begin transaction
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Processing playlists
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Starting playlist scan
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Finished playlist loop
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: end transaction
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: pragma synchronous=normal
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: create index idx_songid on playlistitems(songid)
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: create index idx_playlistid on playlistitems(playlistid,songid)
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Rows: 0
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: select count(*) from playlists
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: select * from playlists
2006-09-20 12:26:13 (b7d976c0): Executing: update playlists set items=(select count(*) from playlistitems where playlistid=1) where id=1

The line:
Skipping playlist /home/itunes/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml (process_m3u)

looks strange. Seems Firefly doesn’t parse the XML file any more.

Any ideas what is wrong?

Probably I messed up the configuration file, as the binary installation of Firefly on Mac OSX accessing the same Music Library on the Linux box remotely over SMB works fine and shows all the playlists.
