Reply To: NSLU2 and Firefly Setup Issues


ahhhh… I think I have an idea…
telnet in and cd to share. Type ls.
There should be two dirs there one for the flash drive and one for the HDD. USB Port 1 is hdd and port 2 is flash on my machine (I think… I am doing this from memory)
the CD to the port with the HDD on it. type ls
there should be a data dir, cd to it.
type ls, you should now be at the root of your HDD.
if you are then see if you can cd to your music_dir.
if so, we can now rebuild the path that firefly needs by putting the string of cd commands together.
Write back to tell us if you could get to the music dir from the telnet, and we can go from there, also I live in the phx area and see that you do to and maybe we can do some phone troubleshooting if needed.