Reply To: again: Error opening db: No backend database support….


@andrews wrote:


I believe the mt-daapd.conf is in /usr/local/etc by default now

Oops… probably. I meant to take that out. It will be removed next release… it will only look in /etc (well, sysconfdir)

As far as t0m’s problem — the config file got moved to an ini-style format… so you have stuff like:

mp3_dir /path/to/mp3
something_else /blah/blah/blah


And then you added:

db_type = sqlite

so it’s trying to open a db type of “=sqlite”, not “sqlite”. Easiest thing to do is to convert your config file:

mt-daapd -v -c /path/to/mt-daapd.conf

and it should then be in .ini format, then edit the db stuff.

— ron