Reply To: rsp transcoding in 1082


2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Entering ws_dispatcher (Connection from 192.168.1
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: got request
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Request: GET /rsp/info HTTP/1.0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: User-Agent: Roku SoundBridge/2.5
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *User-Agent=Roku SoundBridge/2.5*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *User-Agent=Roku SoundBridge/2.5*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: Host:
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *Host=*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Host=*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: Accept: */*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *Accept=*/**
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Accept=*/**
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: Authorization: Basic cm9rdTpyb2t1
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *Authorization=Basic cm9rdTpyb2t1*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Authorization=Basic cm9rdTpyb2t1*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: Pragma: no-cache
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *Pragma=no-cache*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Pragma=no-cache*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: accept-encoding: gzip
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *accept-encoding=gzip*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: accept-codecs: wma,mpeg,wav,mp4a
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *accept-codecs=wma,mpeg,wav,mp4a*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *accept-codecs=wma,mpeg,wav,mp4a*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: rsp-version: 0.1
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *rsp-version=0.1*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *rsp-version=0.1*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read: transcode-codecs: wav,mp3
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Adding header *transcode-codecs=wav,mp3*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *transcode-codecs=wav,mp3*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Read:
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Headers parsed!
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Checking to see if connection matches keep-alive
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Nope!
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Connection type HTTP/1.0
: Connection: non-persist
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Original URI: /rsp/info
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Translated URI: /rsp/info
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Preparing to find handler
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: URI Match!
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Time is 1148782832 seconds after epoch
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Setting time header
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Date=Sun, 28 May 2006 02:20:32 GMT*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Connection=close*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Server=mt-daapd/svn-1082*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Content-Type=text/html*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Content-Language=en_us*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Using non-default handler
2006-05-27 22:20:32: in main_auth
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Entering candispatch
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Current lock level: 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Dispatching auth for /rsp/info to plugin
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Current lock level: 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Dispatching /rsp/info to rsp/1.0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: in main_handler
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Entering candispatch
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Current lock level: 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Dispatching /rsp/info to plugin
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Current lock level: 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Dispatching /rsp/info to rsp/1.0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Tokenizing url
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Found 5 elements
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Checking reponse 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Found it! Index: 0
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Starting rsp_info
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Gzipping output
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Content-Encoding=gzip*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Vary=Accept-Encoding*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Updating Connection from close to Close
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Cache-Control=no-cache*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Added *Expires=-1*
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Updating Content-Type from text/html to text/xml; charset=u
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Expires: -1
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Cache-Control: no-cache
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Vary: Accept-Encoding
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Content-Encoding: gzip
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Content-Language: en_us
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Server: mt-daapd/svn-1082
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Connection: Close
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Emitting reponse header Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 02:20:32 GMT
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Executing: select count(*) FROM songs
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Done sending xml stream
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Terminating
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Freeing request headers
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Freeing response headers
2006-05-27 22:20:32: Thread 0: Freeing request vars

etc for full log see: