Reply To: Mac OS X.5 : how to launch mDNSProxyResponderPosix from Term

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues Mac OS X.5 : how to launch mDNSProxyResponderPosix from Term Reply To: Mac OS X.5 : how to launch mDNSProxyResponderPosix from Term


I use this minimalistic script to do the trick (from the laptop) and only on Leopard.

dns-sd -R "name of server" _daap._tcp local 3690 &
ssh -g -L 3690:localhost:3689 [email protected]
kill $PID

This will start the broadcaster set up the tunnel and kill the broadcaster once the tunnel closes.
I use 3690 on the local machine to not interfere with the iTunes sharing on that host this enables you to booth see the remote share and share something from your local iTunes with the users on the network your laptop is.