Reply To: Let’s start at the beginning… What is Firefly?


Now that there seems to be a Mac version of Firefly, do I have to go through all the installation instructions that involve the Terminal, as shown in the help Wiki here?

short answer is ‘no’

go grab the .dmg version which is the mac version & is a self-installed thingy.

Couple of things to bear in mind once installed and you’re setting up firefly in the preference pane:

shorten the name firefly gives itself – a long name will bum it out.
remember to open up a port in the firewall – if you’re not sure how then holler.
firefly will show in bonjour – from there you can configure various options including what file types firefly should handle/playlist options etc. Look out for the advanced configuration link which opens up all those options.

How exactly does Firefly manifest itself in iTunes? Is there a login?

firefly shows up under the shared music triangle (remember to enable itunes sharing in itunes prefs)
If memory serves me correct, the admin login is blank and the password is mt-daapd but someone correct me if I’m wrong…

Does music copied to Firefly arrange itself in the same directory structure as iTunes?

Firefly is *only* serving the music so you’re not copying anything to firefly, rather firefly is serving the music as per where you pointed it to in the initial setup (on a standard mac setup that would be /user/Music/iTunes/).

What happens if I am logged in to the same Firefly music library from two computers?

so long as your itunes sharing is enabled on your various machines and they’re running firefly then you can serve up music from any of those boxes. Same principle as itunes sharing.

Do I just edit song ID tags from within iTunes as if the library was on my client machine?

yep… and then do a rescan of the library for firefly to pick up those changes. BTW you can set rescan intervals from within the config page – personally I prefer 0 then manually rescan when I actually add something to the library.

Enjoy! 😀