Reply To: FireStats – Top 40 php script (now with added charts)


I just update summary.php and here’s the error:

Unable to execute: select 'Songs' as Item,count(1) as Desc from songs union all select 'Playlists' as Item, count(1) as Desc from playlists union all select 'Albums' as Item, count(distinct album) as Desc from songs union all select 'Albums Played' as Item, count(distinct Album) as Desc from songs where play_count>0 union all select 'Songs Played' as Item, sum(play_count) as Desc from songs where play_count>0 union all select 'Unique Songs Played' as Item, count(1) as Desc from songs where play_count>0 ;

HY000 1 near "distinct": syntax error
