Reply To: Which Linux for a newbie???


@S80_UK wrote:

Also, the version of libflac which is accessed is based on the old 1.1.2 flac, and I really need a much newer one (1.2.1) for compatibility with some of my flac files. Not sure how to proceed with that (due to newb status I suppose) or where to go from there….

Well, no time like the present to learn, I guess. 🙂

Traditionally, the place to put self-compiled stuff that isn’t integrated into the system as shipped is in /usr/local, or in /opt.

We can give it a go using /usr/local.

The key to building your stuff and maintaining your own version of libraries is to do the configure right.

First, install the packages you’ll need for compiling:

apt-get install gcc make autoconf automake libtool libc6-dev libsqlite0-dev libid3tag0-dev libflac-dev libvorbis-dev

That should get you going. Probably will pull in a lot of deps

You’ll need to make a tree for includes, libraries and whatnot in /usr/local:

mkdir -p /usr/local/{include,lib,bin,sbin}

then download the libflac library, untar it, and configure it to be installed in /usr/local. That way the libflac libraries go in /usr/local/lib, and headers go in /usr/local/include when they get installed.

./configure –prefix=/usr/local
make; make install

that will give you a new version of flac in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib. Now you just need to compile mt-daapd for the libs in /usr/local…

Get rid of the old mt-daapd, making a backup of your config:

cp /etc/mt-daapd.conf /etc/mt-daapd.conf.old
apt-get remove mt-daapd –purge

download, untar…

./configure –prefix=/usr/local –enable-flac –enable-sqlite –with-flac-libs=/usr/local/lib –with-flac-includes=/usr/local/include –enable-avahi

that will make it use the *new* flac rather than the old flac.

make; make install

This binary and whatnot will be in /usr/local/sbin. Copy the old config back:

cp /etc/mt-daapd.conf.old /etc/mt-daapd

Try starting it, just for fun:

mt-daapd -c /etc/mt-daapd.conf

See what that does. If it works, you can copy the debian startup script from contrib, or make a copy of the old debian startup script before you do the apt-get remove –purge.

Either way, you’ll need ot fix the paths to point to /usr/sbin/mt-daapd rather than /sbin/mt-daapd.

Actually – just thought of an alternative… Is there an easy way that I can recode my FLAC files (8000 of them) with one of the old versions while keeping the tags (I am not using embedded art or anything fancy)? The problem then seems to be that FLAC 1.1.2 won’t take FLAC as an input. (1.1.3 can do this but it can generate some files which 1.1.2 cannot play.)


Don’t have an answer for that one.

— Ron