Reply To: FirePlay Flash client for FireFly



For those of you who have modified fireplay.html to integrate it into the Firefly pages. I have a mod that allows me to keep Fireplay integrated but pop it out into a new window if I just want the player. Thought I would share it. It requires a second vanilla install of Fireplay, a couple of changes to fireplay.html and a gif.

Add this between the tags of fireplay.html

function popitup(url) {,'name','height=620,width=800');
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
return false;

// -->

and this just before the tag

onclick="return popitup('http:///fireplay/fireplay_popout.html')"><img
style="width: 18px; height: 15px;" src="icon-popout.gif"
alt="Popout" align="absmiddle">

You will see that the last bit of code has a link to a second install of Fireplay on my webserver. This is the vanilla install. Requires me to install any updates to Fireplay twice but it’s worth it.

The popout gif is here

Have fun!