Reply To: FirePlay Flash client for FireFly

Bo Mellberg

@Strawp wrote:

Nice call on the download feature! What would be really cool is:
– If the download suggested a file name. I’ve found that the HTTP header “Content-disposition: Attachment; filename=.mp3″ works for places where I’ve used it in PHP on all browsers I tested, but I don’t know if flash lets you arbitrarily add headers like that. This would prompt you to save a correctly named file instead of just the ID name.</p> <p>– If there was a “download this playlist” function which just did a really basic dump of all the URLs into a flat m3u format playlist which you could enqueue in anything. You’d need to set custom HTTP headers in that too, so if flash can’t do that, forget these suggestions 😛

I’m sorry, but both your suggestions are unable to implement if we don’t use PHP in the FireFly native webserver.