Reply To: Share dissapearing after 30 seconds in iTunes


@digitalbanana wrote:

Currentl, and before, the only two boxes in use are this MacBook and the Linux drive, and both are distinctly named. There are no duplicate hostnames on the network according to the router.

Unfortunately I am not that able with iptables. How would I got about doing the logging and dropping part?


Something like:

iptables -N logdrop
iptables -A logdrop -j LOG
iptables -A logdrop -j DROP

Then use:

iptables …blahblahblah.. -j logdrop

rather than -j DROP

That way it logs the packet first, then drops it.

If you have some you don’t want to log (icmp, or windows browser stuff), then just drop that versus logdropping it.

Or, just before your rules drop off the end (to the default deny), add

iptables -A INPUT -j LOG

and they’ll get logged before they drop off the end of the ruleset and get dropped.

Any of those options would work okay, and let you see what’s getting blocked.

— Ron