Reply To: SVN-1677 (Win32) – Couldn’t set socket to blocking


@swests wrote:

2007-10-21 15:25:14 (e0d3e3cc): Couldn’t set socket to blocking
2007-10-21 15:25:14 (e0d3e3cc): Couldn’t set socket to blocking
2007-10-21 15:36:25 (3beb8ec2): Couldn’t set socket to blocking
2007-10-21 15:36:25 (3beb8ec2): Couldn’t set socket to blocking

In current svn, I’ve masked this by not trying to set socket options until later in the lifetime of the socket.

But what’s strange is that this even appears. If there are no connections, that shouldn’t even show up. I noticed when waiting for sockets to become ready to read on windows, the WaitForMultipleObjects sometimes wakes up even when none of the sockets are readable. I’m wondering if this is the case here — that the wait on the accept socket is waking up even though a connection hasn’t happened.

That never happens on unix (at least not without an EINTR), so I don’t really have an defensive code for it. Might need to add some defensive stuff for that.

— Ron