Reply To: svn-1659 not showing up on iTunes


@Zeem wrote:

Could not add mdns services: Local name collision
Could not add mdns services: Local name collision
Could not add mdns services: Local name collision
Serving 5 songs. Startup complete in 0 seconds

It’s already running, apparently.

If you are getting name collisions, then mdns is working right (other than the fact that you are running two copies).

If you can’t see it but the mdns stuff is starting, then look for the obvious problems — firewalls on the source or client machines, wireless router not configured to pass multicast, mismatched subnet masks between client and server, that kind of thing.

Firewall-wise, you need to allow inbound 5353 udp from, and allow outbound udp from 5353 to

On your router, you very likely need to upgrade to latest firmware, and check for settings having to do with enabling multicast or igmp.