Reply To: Installation of FireFly on MSS


@squashuax wrote:

I’ve tried following the directions on several threads. Still stuck. Per ipkg list_installed, nano – 2.0.6-1 and mt-daapd – svn-1671-1 are installed. Not sure where the breakdown is…

Here are the details:
# /opt/bin/nano /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf
/opt/bin/nano: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/bin/nano: symbol fpathconf, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference#
# ipkg list_installed


# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib /opt/bin/nano /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf

Did you edit the startup script like it says in the wiki?

To change the startup line so it looks like this:

/opt/lib/ /opt/sbin/mt-daapd -c /opt/etc/mt-daapd/mt-daapd.conf
