Reply To: admin page working… but Bonjour service changes to stopped

FireFly Media Server Firefly Media Server Forums Firefly Media Server Setup Issues admin page working… but Bonjour service changes to stopped Reply To: admin page working… but Bonjour service changes to stopped


@JasonB wrote:

Just in case it helps…

My mt-daapd.conf file

web_root = /usr/local/share/mt-daapd/admin-root
port = 3689
admin_pw = mt-daapd
db_type = sqlite
db_parms = /usr/local/var/cache/mt-daapd
mp3_dir = /share/admin/mp3
servername = 505 tunes %v on %h
runas = nobody
playlist = /usr/local/etc/mt-daapd.playlist
#password = mp3
extensions = .mp3,.m4a,.m4p
ssc_codectypes = ogg,flac,alac
ssc_prog = /usr/local/bin/
logfile = /var/log/mt-daapd.log
#rescan_interval = 300
# always_scan = 0
# process_m3u = 0
scan_type = 2
#compress = 0

plugin_dir = /usr/local/share/mt-daapd/plugins

Did you install howl? And if so, did you configure it with –enable-howl? You don’t need to, but if you configured it with howl, you have to make sure your howl mdnsresponder is running.

If you are running edgy and not sarge, then it may also ship with avahi, and that might be running. If so, then you should configure with avahi.

(although there is already a package in edgy for mt-daapd).